Byline not coming across correctly.
Published a couple of articles in preview mode in order to get approved by Apple. However, apparently the byline and date are not coming out right. It shows as the following:
by 31UTCam08E198+000032016|M j, Y|g:i A#
Any ideas?
Have you edited the “Byline Format” setting? Can you please copy and paste the current value you have for that? Can you please download the JSON file for that post and paste it here as
as well?Thanks.
I have not edited the setting. Where can I find that setting and should I edit it? Also, can you tell me how I can download the JSON file?
Actually I just found where the byline setting is. This is what is in there currently
by #author# | #M j, Y | g:i A#
I have not edited it.
Can you confirm the theme you’re running and the full list of plugins? Something is corrupting either the byline or date.
We are using a custom theme and the plugins we are using are
Advanced Custom Fields PRO
AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild
Featured Image Column
Import external attachments
Ninja Forms
Ninja Forms reCAPTCHA
Publish to Apple News
Remove Category URL
WP User Avatars
Yoast SEOThanks,
Have you tried disabling plugins one by one and/or disabling your theme in favor of something like twentysixteen just to narrow it down? I strongly suggest you do that first. There are tens of thousands of plugins and themes and we can’t necessarily guarantee compatibility with all of them.
I will disable the plugins and try again. In the meantime here is the JSON file
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So I did some more digging and figured out that the only posts that are getting the strange bylines are the ones that have the author value set to #teamebony. So, I think the hashtag(#) in front of the author name is throwing something off. What do you think? Any ideas how to get around that?
Yeah, that would do it. Not something we ever anticipated to be honest.
I’ve opened an issue in github for that, though I can’t guarantee a timeframe to resolve right now:
I’ll update this thread when we release a fix.
This will be fixed in version 1.1.6, releasing on Monday.
Thank you for getting the fix in place. Works like a charm now.
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