• Hi! I have a website (www.positek.net) secured with Comodo’s EV SSL certificate. I use their ‘corner of trust’ which is a red triangle gif that when clicked pops up a verification window for my website. Normally, this works just fine. It also normally shows a green URL bar in web browsers to show that my site is secured.

    I recently gave BWPS a spin to help stop brute-force hacking attempts. It does that pretty well, but also blocks my corner of trust and green URL bar functionality. When BWPS is activated, the corner of trust won’t show, instead I see a plain-text link at the bottom that points to a generic Comodo SSL page. And the browser URL bar doesn’t show green. If I deactivate BWPS, the Comodo corner of trust works just fine and the browser’s URL bar shows the appropriate security verification.

    I’ve just deactivated BWPS so you can see the normal display of my website.

    Can you point me towards a way to tweak BWPS so it doesn’t block my Comodo secure site validation feature? Thanks in advance!

    1. The gif (red triangle) is located in my web space WP root folder.
    2. Clicking that gif runs a snippet of javascript that opens a small window pointing to my certification verification on the Comodo website.
    3. In addition to having the certificate installed on my domain account, I also added Comodo’s code snippets to WP’s header.php and footer.php per their instructions. This has worked just fine for years, and no other plug-in is conflicting with it except BWPS.
    4. All site pages are only accessible using https, and the EV SSL certificate normally makes all browser URL


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  • Did you set up bwps all the way before noticing that your image was gone? If so I would delete the BWPS plugin so it removes all of its settings. then reinstall it and after you enable something, check to see if the triangle is still there.

    Thread Starter gardnerc


    Thanks for the hint! i had not set the SSL-required options. Once I did that, the site came up working back to normal with the corner of trust working as expected. Appreciate the tip!

    You’re welcome. Glad I could be of assistance.

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