You’ll need something else to manage those points, and there are two approaches to take.
Points will be added to each user manually, so we only need to manage these points in order to buy products.
If all you EVER want to do is manually add points to user accounts (or automatically award points based on purchases), you can use a Woocommerce extension plugin that does just that.
Please see:
YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards:
Points and Rewards for WooCommerce:
MyRewards for Woocommerce:
On the other hand, if you want to fully gamify your site, allowing your users to automatically earn points based on various activities performed on your site, then you need a full points management plugin. Of course, you, the administrator can define which activity earns points and how many points earned, and you can manually award points as well.
These plugins also (natively or via an extension plugin) integrate with Woocoommerce, allowing users to make Woocommerce purchases with their accumulated points
Example plugins include:
Hope that helps.
Good luck!