• Hi,

    I added a script simply for translate the calendar jQuery and the buttons of Auto ThickBox Plus does not work.

    Here the example of code jQuery:

            $.datepicker.regional['pt'] = {
    	closeText: 'Fechar',
    	prevText: 'Anterior',
    	nextText: 'Próximo',
    	currentText: 'Hoje',
    	monthNames: ['Janeiro','Fevereiro','Mar?o','Abril','Maio','Junho','Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro'],
    	monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Ago','Set','Out','Nov','Dez'],
    	dayNames: ['Domingo','Segunda-Feira','Ter?a-Feira','Quarta-Feira','Quinta-Feira','Sexta-Feira','Sábado'],
    	dayNamesShort: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sáb'],
    	dayNamesMin: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sáb'],
    	weekHeader: 'KW',
    	dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
    	firstDay: 1,
    	isRTL: false,
    	showMonthAfterYear: false,
    	yearSuffix: ''};

    This script is called by the function wp_enqueue_script().

    Any idea how to fix this?



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