There are different solutions, so, I’ll explain one of them:
1. Assign a class name to the calculated field, for example: my-field (the class names are assigned to the fields through the attribute: “Add Css Layout Keywords”)
2. I will assume you want to redirect the user to the URL: https://www.demo.com/page_a if the value of the calculated field is 1, to the URL: https://www.demo.com/page_b if the value of the calculated field is 2, and to the URL: https://www.demo.com/page_c if it is 3. Insert a “HTML Content” field in the form, and enter as its content the piece of code:
function myOnClick(){
var v = jQuery('.my-field input').val(), url;
if( v == 1) url = 'https://www.demo.com/page_a';
if( v == 2) url = 'https://www.demo.com/page_b';
if( v == 3) url = 'https://www.demo.com/page_c';
if(typeof url != 'undefined') document.location.href=url;
3. Finally, enter as the onclick event of the “button” field, a calling to the previous function: myOnClick();
and that’s all.
Best regards.