Hi @handmadehome
Your problem is different.
Our cookie banner is behind the cart button because your cart buttons container has a higher z-index than our banner.
This is user specific (related to storefront theme), you can add the following code snippet to functions.php to fix the CSS conflict:
function gdpr_cookie_css_extension_zindex( $styles, $primary, $secondary ) {
$styles .= 'body.gdpr-infobar-visible .storefront-handheld-footer-bar { z-index: 999; }';
return $styles;
The code snippet above will overlap the mobile bottom action buttons.
If you need both GDPR and buttons visible, you can add the following instead of the first one (but it covers more space on mobile):
function gdpr_cookie_css_extension_zindex( $styles, $primary, $secondary ) {
$styles .= '@media (max-width: 767px) { body.gdpr-infobar-visible #moove_gdpr_cookie_info_bar { bottom: 69px; } }';
return $styles;
In the future, we would appreciate if you can please create new ticket for your issue (but not duplicates of the same issue on several forums).