• John


    I did some hacks a while back to get pretty photo to launch some gallery light boxes on my site. I have now found that every button on my site is trying to launch Pretty Photo and the links now do not work. can anyone help with this?

    Page link where I do not want pretty photo to work:

    Shortcode that I updated: (pretty photo code at bottom)

        ** PrettyButton Shortcode
        function rockthemes_shortcode_make_button($atts, $content=null){
        extract( shortcode_atts( array(
        "gallery_name" => ""
        ), $atts ) );
        wp_enqueue_style('quasar-buttons', F_WAY.'/css/buttons.css', '','', 'all');
        //wp_enqueue_script('quasar-buttons', F_WAY.'/js/buttons.js', array('jquery'));
        $link_active = false;
        $link_html = '';
        $link_icon_html = '';
        if($link_url !== 'false'){
        $link_html = $link_url;
        $link_active = true;
        }elseif($link_id !== 'false'){
        if($link_is_tax !== 'false'){
        $tax = get_category_by_slug($link_id);
        $tax = get_term_link($link_id,$tax_name);
        $tax = get_category_link($tax);
        $link_html = $tax;
        $link_html = get_permalink($link_id);
        $link_active = true;
        $button_is_else_flat = 'button';
        if($button_flat == 'yes') $button_is_else_flat = 'button-flat';
        if($button_color !== '') $button_is_else_flat .= '-'.$button_color;
        $icon_html = '';
        $icon_used = false;
        if($icon_class != ''){
        $icon_html = ' <i class="'.$icon_class.' '.$icon_size.'"></i> ';
        $icon_used = true;
        }elseif($icon_url != ''){
        $icon_html = ' <img src="'.$icon_url.'" /> ';
        $icon_used = true;
        $return = '';
        $button_align_html = '';
        if($button_align !== 'block'){
        $button_align_html = ' float:'.$button_align.';';
        }elseif($button_align === 'block'){
        $button_align_html = ' display:'.$button_align.';';
        if($button_wrap == 'yes'){
        if($button_align === 'block'){
        $return .= '<span class="button-wrap" style="display:block;">';
        $return .= '<span class="button-wrap">';
        $button_large_style = '';
        if($button_size === 'button-large'){
        $button_large_style = ' padding:15px;';
        $return .= '
        <a href="'.$link_html.'"
        '.($button_link_target == "_blank" ? 'target="_blank"' : '').'
        class="escapea button
        '.($button_shape != "" ? $button_shape." " : ""). '
        '.$button_is_else_flat. '
        '.$button_size. '
        " rel="prettyPhoto[' . $gallery_name . ']">
        '.($icon_align == "left" ? $icon_html : '').'
        '.($icon_align == "right" ? $icon_html : '').'
        if($button_wrap == 'yes') $return .= '</span>'; //Close button wrap span
        return $return;
        ** End of PrettyButton Shortcode

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