first of all, sorry for the large delay on my response, I wasn’t able to check the forum in this period, thanks for your patience
Then, in general, I ask you to write more topics for each question or at most aggregate different questions in one topic if they are related each other, so we can manage the requests more easily. It would be very helpful.
About your questions, I’ll write for each point, except for the first one as I see you fixed in your second reply:
2. does the plugin have a way to create a scroll down event? if yes, how? if not, can you add this?
Unfortunately, this feature it’s not available yet. It’s on my backlog, I hope to be able to do it as soon as possible.
3. after connecting the plugin to Facebook is there any other steps I need to take?
Basically not, the pixel should already be working and firing from your website in each page. If you are using an e-commerce plugin (WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads), you just make sure that the DPA events are enabled in the third box of General Settings page.
4. is the option to create an event that will fire only if a from was successfully sent? if yes, how can I do this?
No, there isn’t this kind of feature. You basically do it by javascript code if you have expertise.
6. however, when trying to edit in facebook the audience that i created with the plugin, i get this message
Error notice
Sorry, this rule was created through API or third party applications. It contains syntax that we currently don’t support in our interface.
It’s showing just because the Facebook interface doesn’t support yet the custom rules inside a custom audience, but basically, the audience should work without any problem and filtering the audience as you had set from Pixel Caffeine. Also, you can edit it only from Pixel Caffeine and not from the Facebook interface.