I wrote a DB script that will erase all of the data in Events-List, then load all of he events entered into the Event section of WP.
truncate table wp_event_list;
INSERT INTO wp_event_list
, pub_date
, start_date
, end_date
, time
, title
, location
, details
, categories
, history
7 as pub_user,
‘2015-05-06’ as pub_date,
t2.meta_value as start_date,
t3.meta_value as end_date,
” as time,
t1.post_title as title,
CONCAT(t5.meta_value,’, ‘,t6.meta_value) as location,
CONCAT(‘More Info”’) as details,
” as categories,
NULL as hisotry
FROM wp_posts t1
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta t2 on t1.id = t2.post_id and t2.meta_key = ‘_EventStartDate’
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta t3 on t1.id = t3.post_id and t3.meta_key = ‘_EventEndDate’
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta t4 on t1.id = t4.post_id and t4.meta_key = ‘_EventVenueID’
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta t5 on t5.post_id = t4.meta_value and t5.meta_key = ‘_VenueCity’
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta t6 on t6.post_id = t4.meta_value and t6.meta_key = ‘_VenueState’
where t1.post_type =’tribe_events’
and t1.post_title <> ‘Auto Draft’
order by t1.id