Bulk Import / Test tool no longer working – behavior change?
I recently upgraded both WordPress (3.9.2) and ADI (1.1.4) to 4.0.1 and 1.1.5 respectively and notice that the Bulk Import Tool is no longer working.
The test tool works fine with validating the AD bind BUT only when the user being tested for the bind is within one of the role equivalent groups. This appears to be new behavior as I would not want a lookup bind to necessarily be one of the accounts in the group I would much prefer to use a ‘system’ account specific for that purpose.
[INFO] method authenticate() called [INFO] ------------------------------------------ PHP version: 5.4.35-0+deb7u2 WP version: 4.0.1 ADI version: 1.1.5dev OS Info : Linux lampint-rh-01 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.63-2+deb7u1 x86_64 Web Server : apache2handler adLDAP ver.: 3.3.2 EXTENDED (201302271401) ------------------------------------------ [INFO] LDAP paging: enabled [NOTICE] username: sys-wordpress [NOTICE] password: **not shown** [INFO] Options for adLDAP connection: - account_suffix: @masked.domain - base_dn: dc=masked.domain - domain_controllers: dc-nhr-01.masked.domain - ad_port: 389 - use_tls: 0 - network timeout: 5 [NOTICE] adLDAP object created. [INFO] max_login_attempts: 3 [INFO] users failed logins: 0 [NOTICE] trying account suffix "@masked.domain" [NOTICE] Authentication successfull for "[email protected]" [NOTICE] cleaning up failed logins for user "sys-wordpress" [DEBUG] USER GROUPS:Array ( [0] => blogs_ig_admins [1] => Domain Users [2] => Users [3] => AppV_Users [4] => AppVUsers [5] => AppV_Site_Licenced_Software ) [NOTICE] Authorized by membership of group "blogs_ig_admins" [DEBUG] ATTRIBUTES TO LOAD: Array ( [0] => cn [1] => givenname [2] => sn [3] => displayname [4] => description [5] => mail [6] => samaccountname [7] => userprincipalname [8] => useraccountcontrol ) [DEBUG] USERINFO[0]: Array ( [cn] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => sys-wordpress ) [0] => cn [description] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => Service account for Blog ) [1] => description [givenname] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => sys-wordpress ) [2] => givenname [displayname] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => sys-wordpress ) [3] => displayname [useraccountcontrol] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => 66048 ) [4] => useraccountcontrol [objectsid] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => ??]?0E???_? ) [5] => objectsid [samaccountname] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => sys-wordpress ) [6] => samaccountname [userprincipalname] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => [email protected] ) [7] => userprincipalname [count] => 8 [dn] => CN=sys-wordpress,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Administrators,DC=ccad,DC=,masked,DC=masked,DC=masked ) [NOTICE] user_id: 5025 [NOTICE] FINISHED
As for the bulk import that now fails to work even if using an account/password that works with the test tool.
[INFO] ------------------------------------- START OF BULK IMPORT 2014-11-28 / 09:25:04 ------------------------------------- [INFO] Options for adLDAP connection: - base_dn: dc=ccad,dc=masked.domain - domain_controllers: dc-nhr-01.masked.domain - ad_username: sys-wordpress - ad_password: **not shown** - ad_port: 389 - use_tls: 0 - network timeout: 5 [ERROR] adLDAP exception: Bind to Active Directory failed. Check the login credentials and/or server details. AD said: Invalid credentials
This is I think rather unhelpful, particularly since I can demonstrate a bind works via the test tool (even with the requirement to be in one of the role equivalent groups).
Thoughts anyone?
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