I am also having this problem at CraftyFrugalMom.com.
My page speed tests were atrocious, at 11 for mobile and 14 for desktop. Smushing a lot of my images made it jump to 38 mobile, 42 desktop, but I’m on 323 of 554 and it stopped smushing. I tell it to smush again and it sits there a while saying it’s smushing, then reverts back to the smush button without doing anything. Please help me get past this one image or figure out which one it is and move forward to the rest of them.
I’m not sure, but I’d guess maybe it’s an image that’s larger than the free version will handle, but if that’s the case it should really just get skipped.
I would appreciate help in resolving this issue. I want to get my speed test results to at least 80 or more if possible!