• In SportsPress, you have the ability to select all players on the page and bulk edit them. When doing so, it allows you to configure options for all players, for example: seasons, conferences, etc. I wanted to know if there was a way to bulk edit players and REMOVE same said options.

    For example: I would like to bulk edit a set of players that have transferred teams and remove the conference they used to belong in so that only their new conference is listed; not both the old and new conference.

    Is there a way to do this or must i edit each individual player to remove this?

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  • Hi!

    Thanks for reaching out!

    That isn’t possible right now but it’s a great idea! Please consider adding it to our ideaboard: https://tboy.co/ideas

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter trauma717


    Thanks Roch for sharing that link. I submitted my idea and as I was reading through a few of the other ones, I found that someone already submitted this as well back in September:


    Do you know if there are any plans to maybe include this feature in the near future?


    We usually implement the most upvoted ideas so if you could give it a +1 that shows us that there are other users with the same needs and it’ll certainly move it up in our priorities ??

    Kind Regards,

    Will be searching and up-voting this issue.

    I have about 90 players i need to remove from one conference and add to another, but it seems the only option is to currently deselect the old conference one player at a time

    Thread Starter trauma717


    @jd85 @rochesterj unforutnatley, the idea was super popular and was “added” as an update, however, it does not do what the suggested idea states it is to do and unfortunately, it removes extra content when trying to bulk edit. I would recommend against bulk editing anything since the function is completely broke at the moment




    I’ve sent that to our dev team ??

    This should be fixed soon. Thanks!

    Kind Regards,

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