I described my process in my last reply:
I’m using “Import Users from CSV with Meta” to get a bulk of users into WP Users.
Author: codection
Last Updated: 2 weeks ago
Requires WordPress Version: 3.4 or higher
Compatible up to: 4.9.2
Once I have them imported to a specific role (i.e. Subscriber), I go to the “Simple Membership WP user Import” and the only options I have are “Import ALL users to Simple Membership as the same membership level – which is not what I need.
The other option is to choose ~500 members individually and pick their membership level one at a time.
A third option would be if everyone was all the same Membership Level once imorted, if I could then go in and bulk edit by going through and selecting those that are all one level and selecting that level to update them, that would work, but the only Bulk Actions are “Delete”, or “Set Status”…Membership Level is missing and would be helpful here.
What I was looking for was the ability to do something like pick all members from WP users that are a specific rold and assign them all the same Membership Level in Simple Membership. I believe something like that would work.