an example csv is here
note that the column locations are not important (I think) as the importer converts the data to a named array; it is the name of the column headings (the first row) that are crucial and must match that as defined in the class.EM_ImpExpImport.php file.
there is a small fix to the file
/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-import-export-0.0.3-alpha/class.EM_ImpExpImport.php in order that it will read your event start/end date+time. Line 480 onwards – see commented out sections in the below code- previously it was hardcoded to start each event at midnight.
Note also that the end three columns are custom event attributes defined within our Events Manager instance, and the headers should match EXACTLY the event attributes you define in E.M.
Note also that you can define multiple categories for a single event by enclosing them in double quotes, comma separated within the quotes. Excel’s .CSV MSDOS format copes with this well, despite my initial reservations that the additional comma inside the quotes would break the import; it did not.
Note also that I have pre-defined the location within Events Manager, then instead of risking having the importer create extra location entries via geocoding, I simply give it the exact name of a pre-existing location and the import routine matches this for you.
i.e. I have not tested uploading an event at an unknown location
this worked for me: I am a php and Events Manager novice. be warned.
(thankyou to Marcus and the author of the importer ( for your wonderful software)