• Students in my digital media classes are responsible for maintaining a portfolio Website of their various design projects throughout the year. The past few years I have had them do sites in Dreamweaver and advanced classes did Flash for second semester. I was able to easily create accounts in OSX server using Webmin and roter download in CSV format.

    I have ~200 students that I’d like to create accounts and blogs for using WP3.0 and Buddypress. I have installed the “Bulk Create Blogs” plugin that allows adding blogs from CSV data. However, when I try to run it I get errors “xxx user doesn’t exist”. I was thinking it would create the user along with the blog. So, anyways to create both users and blogs?

    I download the rosters, open in a spreadsheet and delete the columns of info I don’t need, then I run it through Passenger to generate the usernames. I can easily make the CSV files. I just need to create both users and blogs from a CSV or something similar.

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Thread Starter chargertech


    I checked those out, but bot require email addresses. That would be a major PITA for me. I don’t have any of student’s email addresses. I could have them e-mail me, but that would be A LOT of copying and pasting.

    Being able to create accounts by having a column of usernames and another of passwords would be great. Then the students could ad their e-mail addresses to their profiles. Or if anybody knows of way that I could collect the student e-mails and have them all put in a CSV or similar format would also work. They already know their usernames, it will be the same that they use to login into the computers. Is their soem kind of form that I can create that they can input their username and address and it will all be dumped into one CSV file?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Well… I will pint out that, by default, WordPress assumes all users have an individual email.

    That said, there are plugins that let you reuse emails and, if you used that in conjunction, you could add everyone with a temp email.

    So your HS doesn’t give out emails to students? We had [email protected]. They deleted our IDs on graduation.

    Thread Starter chargertech


    Unfortunately, no school e-mails for the students. My district, like many, is not very progressive. I have been trying to get them to switch to Google Apps for Education. It is free for K12 and no advertisements. All students would get an e-mail address then. Plus, all the other goodies.

    Anyhow, looks like I can create a form in Google Docs and have the students type in their username and e-mail and it will put it into spreadsheet. That might have to work.

    I create WP accounts for students all the time with bogus emails

    [email protected]

    As the domain admin I then also get a “mail not sent message” from the server

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
    etc etc low and behold there is their password reset or comment waiting in moderation or whatever

    If the student logs in and then changes their admin email for the blog (General Settings) to a real email I stop getting the message.

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