• It’s my first time building a plugin and I’m a bit confused about the theme.json that I recently heard about.

    So the plugin I’m working on is a color palette to override the gutenburg color settings. So I had it set up like this

    Plugin folder
    -plugin.php <— a bit like functions.php in theme?

    My plugin.php

     * Plugin Name: My Plugin
     * Description: This is a plugin to practice
     * Version: 1.0.0
     * Author: Kiki
    if( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; }
    function add_my_plugin_stylesheet() {
        wp_register_style('mypluginstylesheet', '/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/style.scss');
    function wpdc_gutenberg_color_settings() {
      add_theme_support( 'disable-custom-colors' );
      add_theme_support( 'editor-gradient-presets', [] );
      add_theme_support( 'disable-custom-gradients' );
                'name' => __( 'White', 'themeLangDomain' ),
                'slug' => 'white',
                'color' => '#fff',
                'name' => __( 'Primary', 'themeLangDomain' ),
                'slug' => 'primary',
                'color' => '#5bb57a',
                'name' => __( 'Secondary', 'themeLangDomain' ),
                'slug' => 'secondary',
                'color' => '#f39708',
                'name' => __( 'Tertiary', 'themeLangDomain' ),
                'slug' => 'tertiary',
                'color' => '#ed7aad',
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpdc_gutenberg_color_settings', 100 );

    My theme.json

        "version": 1,
        "settings": {
            "color": {
                "palette": [
                        "name": "Primary",
                        "slug": "primary",
                        "color": "#5bb57a"
                        "name": "Secondary",
                        "slug": "secondary",
                        "color": "#f39708"
                        "name": "Tertiary",
                        "slug": "tertiary",
                        "color": "#ed7aad"
                        "name": "White",
                        "slug": "white",
                        "color": "#ffffff"


    .has-white-color{color: #ffffff;}
    .has-primary-color{color: #5bb57a;}
    .has-secondary-color{color: #f39708;}
    .has-tertiary-color{color: #ed7aad;}
    .has-white-background-color{background-color: #ffffff;}
    .has-primary-background-color{background-color: #5bb57a;}
    .has-secondary-background-color{background-color: #f39708;}
    .has-tertiary-background-color{background-color: #ed7aad;}

    What do I need to do to connect it all together or did I do this code correct in my plugin? This code is supposed to have backward compatibility with add_theme_support in case the wordpress version is older like 5.7 or earlier. Is it possible to connect theme.json to add_theme_support('editor-color-palette', array)? That way, when I update the theme.json, it gets updated in plugin.php and style.scss.

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  • Theme.json is only relevant if you develop a theme.
    To use scss files, you habe to convert them to css first.
    In your specific case, you could just rename your scss to css, as you are not using sass features there.

    This loads your stylesheet,

    function add_my_plugin_stylesheet() {
        wp_register_style('mypluginstylesheet', '/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/style.scss');

    But you still have to call that function.
    So add
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', add_my_plugin_stylesheet) ;

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by danthefan.
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