Bugs with composer (autoload.php) and wp_enqueue_scripts
We’ve been asked to look into your plugin for a client, unfortunately it crashes their wordpress with a whitescreen.
We investigated, and discovered some issues. I’ll write them here, as unfortunately I don’t speak Dutch so can’t really partake of your other support forum.
First, we get WordPress errors, thus;
wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks.
We find we can get rid of these errors by wrapping each of those wp_enqueue_script/style blocks of calls in Plugin.php, initAdmin() and initAdminPlugins() in an action;
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts',function(){ wp_enqueue_etc_etc; });
The second issue we get is with the autoload.php (composer?).
If another plugin uses this, then either that, or this plugins’s autoload.php doesn’t load (require_once!) and so either this or both plugins are broken.
We explored this error by renaming autoload.php to for instance bolcom-autoload.php and adjusting the require_once in the main plugin file, then both plugins work together, and we get no white screens.
Obviously, we are unsure of the ongoing effects of either of these issues, and await you advice, and hopefully a fix in your plugin!
Many thanks!
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