Bugs in iThemes Security v4.0.0 to v4.0.12
We have been testing since the plugin changed from “Better WP Security v3.6.6” to “iThemes Security”
As we were not satisfied with bugs found in “iThemes Security v4.0.0”, we switched to the other alternatives. We understood that a complete rewrite of any plugin might generate several bugs and it takes time to get a stable version. Since from v4.0.0 to the latest version 4.0.12 no such stable version found.Three major bugs found in v4.0.12
(1) In particular, v4.0.12 having a new bug related to the user id=1 for default user name “Admin”. If we install WP other than the default user name “Admin” then iThemes Security v4.0.12 assuming that there is no action needed for changing user id 1, but it still displaying the message in the plugins dashboard. On clicking the message related to Admin user id, tabbing switched to “Settings” instead of “Advanced”.(2) Renaming wp-content not working and not resolved from v4.0.0 to v4.0.12. Tested in wp normal installation and wp install in its own directory too. We found that upto Better WP Security V3.6.6, when we rename the wp-content folder or directory then four lines of snippet added to the wp-config.php. Whereas, from iTheme Security v4.0.0 to v4.0.12 it fails to write those four lines of code on top of wp-config.php.
Temporary solution for this is to add the following four lines code on top of wp-config.php after renaming the wp-content folder.
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true ); define( 'BWPS_FILECHECK', true ); define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/home/your-cpanel-username/public_html/wp-root-directory-name/customslug-content' ); define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://your-domain-name/customslug-content' );
If wordpress installed in it own directory then the following change required. Assuming that we installed wp in its own (separate folder) folder “secure”.
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true ); define( 'BWPS_FILECHECK', true ); define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/home/your-cpanel-username/public_html/wp-root-directory-name/secure/customslug-content' ); define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://your-domain-name/secure/customslug-content' );
Note: The above four lines actually the plugin itself writes on wp-config.php. If it fails, for temporary solution we can add the above lines to wp-config.php. Hoping that plugin author will resolve this bug in the upcoming versions.
(3) we found that if we install wp in its own directory, then hide backend not working. For wp normal installation, hide backend working as usual.
Temporary Solution: Copy all rules from .htaccess file in the root directory add all of them to the .htaccess file in the wp custom directory. It resolves the issue.
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