• 2 bugs (on 2011. May 07.):
    1. IE shows at statusbar:
    Message: ‘console’ is not defined.
    Row: 21
    Char: 2
    Code 0
    URI: …/wp-content/plugins/announceme/announceme.js

    Some accented letters don’t goes through javascript, and replaced with ? (question mark) to show, like ?, ?. But with appropriate HTML codes it is OK,: ? = ? ? = ? ? = ? ? = ? .

    1. Recolorable announcement strip bg (inputbox)
    2. Rewritable ‘Don’t show this again’ (as translation, inputbox)

    Have a nice day in Munich for programmers.
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  • Plugin Author Berni1337


    Thanks for reporting these bugs, i will fix them soon
    to your Recommendations:
    1. Actually you can do this already, if you create a new Announcement/ or edit some, at the “Choose Category”-box, click “Create own Category” and you can design the bg-color, border-color, text-color and the displayed icon’s url.
    2. Thanks you i will also add this soon

    Thank you, have a nice day too ??



    When closing the announcement, it pulls up the page content with it.
    That means that the top part of the page is “cut”.

    Apart from that, I think this is a very nice plug-in.



    Found a small thing in announceme.php on line 269:
    amargin-top: should be margin-top:

    Now it works a lot better ??


    Plugin Author Berni1337


    yes thanks, i already fixed it but did not upload, because i have a problem with body-backgroundimages, because they do not move… i’m trying to fix this at the moment.

    Thread Starter Ungi


    A notice: I have discovered 2 files of jQuery with 2 different version in use, with the JavaScript Debugger of the SeaMonkey webbrowser.

    The one included in the WP pack:
    jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.4

    …and the one in announceme plugin folder:
    jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2

    I am far from being expert, but I suspect that 2 different versions of jQuery files in use can cause conflict with other plugins, and also with default WP things which use jQuery.

    (Now I am busy with many other things, and I have no opportunity to testing this on a live site.)

    Plugin Author Berni1337


    thanks, i will test this soon to, but i don’t know how fast i can update everything, i am very busy with school at the moment xD

    Plugin Author Berni1337


    ah fixed the problem with the background-images, i had to use the “!important”-tag (because otherwise it stucks with the admin-bar) and make not the body scroll but the html.

    To the problem with the 2 jQuery Libraries:
    In my WordPress the 1.4.4 jQuery is not inherit (in the wp-head), only in the admin page, but there i do not use jQuery.
    On frontpage i have only my 1.3.2 jQuery…
    The Problem could appear, if another plugin includes another jQuery or if the current theme uses jQuery… maybe there is a way to test if an valid jQuery-version is included already, if not, it will include mine… I’ll look if this is possible, or do you have any solutions? Thanks.

    Thank you all for helping me to make the Plugin way better.


    Plugin Author Berni1337


    Ah, found it ?? i will update as soon as possible

    Thread Starter Ungi


    Great, now you can deal with school things till summer holiday.

    Weaver theme (a Twenty Ten child theme) involves jQuery on frontend for some effects.

    Weaver theme is here:

    My site with Weaver is here:

    hy there..
    using the latest wp version
    and the message won’t dissapear after i hit the X
    nothing happens
    it has conflicts with my other javascripts ..
    shit …
    i will remove it.. and when this is fixed i’ll put it again

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