Tom, right now I’ve had happen to me what has happened once before. If I activate BackUpWordPress, I cannot get into the Tools menu at all (to use any of the Tools, not just BackUpWordPress). And until I deactivate BackUpWordPress, the entire Admin panel is slow and/or locks up.
Prior to this, I was finally getting BackUpWordPress to work, but it was an effort. First I’d have start a backup and then let it abort itself (which it always did). Then BackUpWordPress would automatically start another backup which I would then cancel. Then if it ran another backup, it would successfully complete. It was a bit of a workaround, but it worked…until today when for some reason I got locked out of the Tools menu. I can get back in if I deactivate BackUpWordPress. I don’t know what is going wrong. I’d appreciate any help that you can give.