• Edwin Siebel


    First of all, it does not seem to be related, but when disabling the meta-box plugin, the problem is resolved.

    The setup:
    * A custom post type without the ‘thumbnail’ support (essential!).
    * An CPT with images attached (thus in the_content() for example).
    * Meta-box plugin enable, and an image-advanced, file-advanced or file-input field included.

    ** Have tried this with other themes (twentyfourteen for example), different projects, with and without plugins (except the meta-box of course) **

    When editing the CPT, press ‘Add media’ above the editor, choose the ‘Uploaded to this page’ dropdown item. Now all the images NOT attached to this CPT are shown.

    When adding the ‘thumbnail’ support to the CPT arguments, the above works perfect.
    Also, when deleting the wp_enqueue_media() in the field files: ‘image-advanced’, ‘file-advanced’ or ‘file-input’, the problem is resolved.

    Digging deeper into the wp_enqueue_media() function, revealed that the do_action( 'wp_enqueue_media' ); is the problem. (Temporary) Removing that in media.php, also resolves the problem.

    Can anybody replicate this setup, and thus the problem?


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