• Resolved Lyk


    I set the permalinks format so the same one used by blogger and works fine. Backwards compatibility is preserved.


    Some wp urls are different from the blogger ones.


    Blogger creates the url based on the title. If the title is changed afterwards, the url does not.

    WordPress/importer create the permalinks from the title, so the new links are not the same as the old ones in those cases.

    For my blog, this case is not very common (hopefully) so I plan on fixing it manually:

    1) Get all links from the new blog (eg new.example.com).
    2) Change them to old.example.com.
    3) Check which ones return 404 from blogger.

    Not sure how can I do (1) but I bet it should be easy ??
    Something like this should work.


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  • Plugin Author Workshopshed


    Yes blogger and wordpress can produce different permalinks for the same title, their generation algorithms are different and as you point out blogger one might have been change too.
    The importer does store the old blogger links so you can query the database to see which are different.
    Something like the redirection plugin can then be used to re-map them over to the new values.

    Thread Starter Lyk


    Oh, I didn’t know that!

    What query could do that?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Workshopshed


    This is what I’ve been using

    SELECT CONCAT( replace( meta_value,  '.html',  '/'  ) ,  '(\\?.+)?$'  )  AS Source, Concat( left( meta_value, 9  ) , p.Post_Name,  '/$1'  )  AS Dest
    FROM wsswp_postmeta AS m
    INNER  JOIN wsswp_posts AS p ON m.post_id = p.id
    WHERE meta_key =  'blogger_permalink'
    AND meta_value <>  ''
    AND post_status =  'publish'
    AND Replace( Right( meta_value, INSTR( Reverse( meta_value ) ,  '/'  )  -1  ) ,  '.html',  ''  )  <> p.post_name

    I save the results from MySQL and import them into the redirection plugin

    Thread Starter Lyk


    So this query will show me the all the “problematic” links?

    (I think they won’t be so many, so I will probably fix them by hand in order to avoid using the redirection plugin. This approach will also work, right?)


    Plugin Author Workshopshed


    Yes those are all those that are different between blogger and wordpress. I’ve not tried changing wordpress permalinks manually.

    Thread Starter Lyk


    Perfect, will try it and will comment here.

    I mean manually via the wp-admin of wp (gives use the option to change permalinks to posts), so probably will be fine.

    Thanks again!

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