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  • % is a special symbol for fields in the file name.

    If you paste your exact “Archive Name” field, we can perhaps see what you need to change.

    I am using this:
    Preview: backwpup_SOMETHING_2014-11-13_00-47-40.tar.gz

    No spaces, case sensitive, and if you mouse hover over the field the full list of what you can use should display.

    Replacement patterns:
    %d = Two digit day of the month, with leading zeros
    %j = Day of the month, without leading zeros
    %m = Day of the month, with leading zeros
    %n = Representation of the month (without leading zeros)
    %Y = Four digit representation for the year
    %y = Two digit representation of the year
    %a = Lowercase ante meridiem (am) and post meridiem (pm)
    %A = Uppercase ante meridiem (AM) and post meridiem (PM)
    %B = Swatch Internet Time
    %g = Hour in 12-hour format, without leading zeros
    %G = Hour in 24-hour format, without leading zeros
    %h = Hour in 12-hour format, with leading zeros
    %H = Hour in 24-hour format, with leading zeros
    %i = Two digit representation of the minute
    %s = Two digit representation of the second

    I too am having this problem, I have the file names set to be
    “hourly_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%i-%s” which should output hourly_Y-m-d_H-i-s.tar.gz

    but instead it’s outputting a file called “hourly_Y-m-d_H-i-s.tar.gz” and so it’s overwriting every time it runs instead of keeping an archive.

    I’m downgrading to 3.1.2 where this wasn’t an issue.

    After playing around a little bit, I think I know what the cause of the problem is.

    I have a job and saved it, and it removed the % from the saved file name. There’s something new in the plugin which is now removing the %…

    I think i have found the problem and will fix it asap.

    Release 3.1.4 is out with a fix.

    I can confirm this issue is resolved.

    Keep up the amazing work!

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