Hi Rustaurius
I do use WP to upload the images and from what you have said, UPC should read and use my medium sized images, but it doesn’t. I have unchecked the month/year option, so WP uploads all images to wp-content/uploads. It then ‘crunches’ each image to produce the lower-res images. Typically I have for each image:
image.jpg (original, uploaded)
image-1200×800.jpg (wp large)
image-450×300.jpg (wp medium)
image-300×200.jpg (wp thumbnail)
image-60×60.jpg (I think produced by my Pinnacle theme)
I then use another plugin, Media File Manager, to move the files to the product folders. It also moves all the associated files (I have checked using Filezilla). All the above is done before I load the products into the catalogue using the spreadsheet.
WP still has track of where the lower-res images are because it uses them for posts (I also move these images in a similar way to a ‘posts’ folder).
It therefore seems to be just UPC that can’t find or use the medium images. I have the ‘thumbnail support’ selected in Options – I assume there is nothing else I need to set.
My site has now moved (been made live) and the gallery can be found at https://wotknots.co.uk/gallery/. If you want to check that the thumbnails are used by WP, then please check the images on the Blog page.
Is there any more information that you need? Do you need to access the back-end, in which case how do I get login details to you?
Thank you, in anticipation of getting this sorted.