I actually fixed the problem, although it might not be the most correct/elegant solution.
In wp-includes/feed-functions.php
function get_the_title_rss() {
$title = get_the_title();
// $title = apply_filters('the_title', $title);
$title = apply_filters('the_title_rss', $title);
return $title;
Commenting out that line changed the offending “right single quotation mark” (aka ’) into the straight up and down apostrophe that apparently magpie can handle no problem.
Before I started digging in the code I was playing with the encoding, and was in for a HECK of a surprise when I changed it to UTF-16.
Moshu – The blog itself isn’t really up yet but its located at https://www.tradersguideoftexas.com/blurb/ and to get the headlines into our main page I’m using RSS, the page that is displaying the RSS feed right now is https://www.tradersguideoftexas.com/wordpress.php