• Hi,

    Just started using this plugin. I like it so far, but I found 3 bugs.

    The confirmation when placing an order without VAT does not work, since $ is undefined in includes/js/alg-wc-eu-vat-place-order.js:13. You should add the $ like so: jQuery( document ).ready( function($)

    When I corrected that, it works, but I found another bug. The Yes and No texts of the confirm dialog cannot be translated. In addition, the background color is set inline, but together with my theme’s styling the border color and text color do not match. If you would adapt the styling to a text color that works well with the background color, that would be great. Or leave out the styling and let people do that themselves.

    Finally, I wanted to change the field ID to the id of the plugin I am migrating away from. Although the function alg_wc_eu_vat_get_field_id is within function_exists, I cannot override it, since the function is defined on the plugin load and not on init or later hook. So overriding it in the theme functions.php or other plugin is not working. Please make the field id/key used customizable via a filter hook, which is a better way of allowing customization.

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  • Abd Hindi


    Hello Christiaan,

    I hope you are well and thank you for alerting us to this. I will attach this to the development team for consideration and work on it.

    Plugin Contributor Kousik Mukherjee


    Hello Christiaan,

    Please update your store with the latest version of the plugin, version 2.10.0.

    All the previously mentioned issues have been resolved. Additionally, translation for the Yes/No buttons has been done.

    We’ve also added three new filters:

    1. alg_wc_eu_vat_get_field_id – field id
    2. alg_wc_eu_vat_confirmation_bg_yes – yes button bg color
    3. alg_wc_eu_vat_confirmation_bg_no – no button bg color

    For any other styling adjustments, you can overwrite them through CSS.

    Kousik Mukherjee

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