• Hello there,
    I would like to report a potential bug with Paypal Standard for Woocommerce.
    I set up the Paypal e-mail, the identity token and the API infos.
    I want to AUTHORIZE the payments.
    When someone orders, I get the correct logs about the PDT Transaction Result showing the following lines :

    [pending_reason] => authorization
    [auth_status] => Pending

    This is correct, the payment was only authorized at this point.
    The problem comes once I want to capture the payment by changing the order status from “on-hold” to “complete” or “processing”. I get the note telling me to change the status to capture the payment, by the way.
    But once I change the order status, nothing change inside Woocommerce. I get nothing more in the logs.
    I have to go manually to Paypal to collect the payment. And then, I can see the IPN notification inside paypal with the payment_status set as Competed. I do get the money. But still nothing more inside my woocommerce paypal log.

    Inside the database, the wp_postmeta table shows for my order id :
    _paypal_status : authorized

    I guess it may be the problem, since the PDT documentation do not mention any authorized status but only Pending, Competed and Refunded. I don’t know if something changed from Paypal’s side or if the problems comes from my installation.
    But the capture_payment function from class-wc-gateway-paypal.php check the following :
    if 'pending' === get_post_meta( $order->get_id(), '_paypal_status', true )
    and of course it stops here since I have the “authorized” status in the database.

    Can someone confirm the problem is happening on their side? And/Or help me to solve me the problem?
    Big thanks.

    [ No bumping please. ]

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