• Resolved dogstarweb


    I am having an issue with CSS rendering in firefox. The sidebar of my blog (https://www.mycareertopia.com/blog/) is supposed to be 35%. It works fine in Chrome and Safari but not in Firefox. My developer has identified the issue being that when Minify rewrites the code, it is replacing a “1” character with ” and it is breaking the CSS. Please see details below and advise.

    This is the URL that ends up with the bad CSS:

    One of the files that it includes is this one from the theme:
    On line 8329 of that file is this rule:
    background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20version=%221.1%22%20xmlns=%22https://www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%20xmlns:xlink=%22https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink%22%20x=%220px%22%20y=%220px%22%20width=%2216px%22%20height=%2216px%22%20viewBox=%220%200%2016%2016%22%20enable-background=%22new%200%200%2016%2016%22%20xml:space=%22preserve%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill=%22rgb(22,220,101)%22%20d=%22M6.025,12.715l-0.35,0.211l-3.769,1.168l1.219-3.766l0.219-0.297L6.025,12.715z%20M11.328,2.016L9.954,3.358l2.681,2.695l1.396-1.366L11.328,2.016z%20M3.924,9.377l2.693,2.693l5.378-5.378l-2.66-2.673L3.924,9.377z%22/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
    Which contains this:
    After minifying and combining, the result file has this instead:
    As you can see, the plugin's output is not working correctly. Please advise.


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