Bug? Or non-preferred function of show_meta. Displays username rather than Alias
Okay, so, in my site settings I have my username for login set to one thing, but I have my Nickanme set to something else. 1) for personal anonymity & 2) as a security measure, so hackers don’t know my login name.
Now, I wanted to hide the content of my post when pulling it into another page, but I was thinking I’d still maybe like to show some of the meta stuff. But when I enable that it shows my login name rather than my “Administrator” Nickname.
I’d much rather the plugin honored the Nickname rather than exposing my login name. For now, I’ve turned off show_meta until this gets fixed.
If it helps, I’m on 3.5.1, MultiSite, with WordPress MU Domain Mapping. Shuoldn’t think any of that would matter, as I assume the plugin’s just maybe calling the wrong function to get the wrong name? I’m guessing many / most Nicknames will be the same as the login name. But not all… And for those who prefer a Nickname, it would be nice if plugins would honor it & not expose the non-nickname name(s).
Anyway, nickname is set in the user profile and then the “display name” is set from a dropdown and can be either the nickname or some combination of the first/last names.
~MGP.S. Assume this page covers it, mostly?
Seems like maybe the plugin’s calling $user_login rather than $display_name or the more current $user_identity.
I’m guessing $user_identity would probably be the most preferable to honor however the author prefers to be listed?
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