• hi there , in new version update new bug shows up , when user try to login and sending ticket all pages going to page “/jsst-” link on user dashboard


    thank you please tell us how can fix this problem soon

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  • Plugin Author JoomSky



    Can you please open the Help Desk admin dashboard?
    It will execute sql queries.
    And then check front-end.

    Waiting your response.


    I’ve also got bug with slug

    missing “,” in 260.sql

    (51, ‘staffs’, ‘staffs’, ‘staffs’, ‘slug for agent page’, 1),
    (52, ‘departments’, ‘departments’, ‘departments’, ‘slug for departments page’, 1) <———–
    (53, ‘announcements’, ‘announcements’, ‘announcements’, ‘slug for announcements page’, 1),

    MariaDB [bitnami_wordpress]> select * from wp_2_js_ticket_slug;
    Empty set (0.001 sec)

    Plugin Author JoomSky



    Can you please run these queries in phpmyadmin
    First empty the table
    Second insert the values.

    Note: wp_2 is database prefix

    DELETE FROM wp_2_js_ticket_slug;

    INSERT INTO#__js_ticket_slug(id,slug,defaultslug,filename,description,status`) VALUES
    (1, ‘ticket’, ‘ticket’, ‘ticketdetail’, ‘slug for ticket page’, 1),
    (2, ‘staff-add-ticket’, ‘staff-add-ticket’, ‘staffaddticket’, ‘slug for agent add ticket page’, 1),
    (3, ‘role-permission’, ‘role-permission’, ‘rolepermission’, ‘slug for rolepermission page’, 1),
    (4, ‘add-announcement’, ‘add-announcement’, ‘addannouncement’, ‘slug for add announcement’, 1),
    (5, ‘add-department’, ‘add-department’, ‘adddepartment’, ‘slug for add department page’, 1),
    (6, ‘add-download’, ‘add-download’, ‘adddownload’, ‘slug for add download page’, 1),
    (7, ‘add-faq’, ‘add-faq’, ‘addfaq’, ‘slug for add faq page’, 1),
    (8, ‘faq’, ‘faq’, ‘faqdetails’, ‘slug for faq page’, 1),
    (9, ‘add-article’, ‘add-article’, ‘addarticle’, ‘slug for add article page’, 1),
    (10, ‘add-category’, ‘add-category’, ‘addcategory’, ‘slug for add category page’, 1),
    (11, ‘kb-articles’, ‘kb-articles’, ‘userknowledgebasearticles’, ‘slug for user knowledgebase articles page’, 1),
    (12, ‘kb-article’, ‘kb-article’, ‘articledetails’, ‘slug for article detail page’, 1),
    (13, ‘add-role’, ‘add-role’, ‘addrole’, ‘slug for add role page’, 1),
    (14, ‘add-staff’, ‘add-staff’, ‘addstaff’, ‘slug for add agent page’, 1),
    (15, ‘staff-permissions’, ‘staff-permissions’, ‘staffpermissions’, ‘slug for agent permissions page’, 1),
    (17, ‘my-tickets’, ‘my-tickets’, ‘myticket’, ‘slug for my tickets page’, 1),
    (18, ‘staff-my-tickets’, ‘staff-my-tickets’, ‘staffmyticket’, ‘slug for agent my tickets page’, 1),
    (19, ‘knowledgebase’, ‘knowledgebase’, ‘userknowledgebase’, ‘slug for knowledgebase page’, 1),
    (20, ‘staff-categories’, ‘staff-categories’, ‘stafflistcategories’, ‘slug for agent categories page’, 1),
    (21, ‘staff-kb-articles’, ‘staff-kb-articles’, ‘stafflistarticles’, ‘slug for agent kb articles page’, 1),
    (22, ‘staff-announcements’, ‘staff-announcements’, ‘staffannouncements’, ‘slug for agent announcements page’, 1),
    (23, ‘staff-downloads’, ‘staff-downloads’, ‘staffdownloads’, ‘slug for agent downloads page’, 1),
    (24, ‘staff-faqs’, ‘staff-faqs’, ‘stafffaqs’, ‘slug for agent faqs page’, 1),
    (25, ‘add-ticket’, ‘add-ticket’, ‘addticket’, ‘slug for add ticket page’, 1),
    (26, ‘ticket-status’, ‘ticket-status’, ‘ticketstatus’, ‘slug for ticket status page’, 1),
    (27, ‘control-panel’, ‘control-panel’, ‘controlpanel’, ‘slug for controlpanel’, 1),
    (28, ‘staff-report’, ‘staff-report’, ‘staffdetailreport’, ‘slug for agent report detail page’, 1),
    (29, ‘staff-reports’, ‘staff-reports’, ‘staffreports’, ‘slug for agent reports page’, 1),
    (30, ‘department-reports’, ‘department-reports’, ‘departmentreports’, ‘slug for department reports page’, 1),
    (31, ‘announcement’, ‘announcement’, ‘announcementdetails’, ‘slug for announcement detail page’, 1),
    (32, ‘feed-back’, ‘feed-back’, ‘formfeedback’, ‘slug for feedback page’, 1),
    (33, ‘staff-feedbacks’, ‘staff-feedbacks’, ‘feedbacks’, ‘slug for agent feedbacks page’, 1),
    (34, ‘visitor-message’, ‘visitor-message’, ‘visitormessagepage’, ‘slug for visitor message page’, 1),
    (35, ‘add-help-topic’, ‘add-help-topic’, ‘addhelptopic’, ‘slug for add help topic page’, 1),
    (36, ‘agent-help-topics’, ‘agent-help-topics’, ‘agenthelptopics’, ‘slug for agent help topics page’, 1),
    (37, ‘add-canned-response’, ‘add-canned-response’, ‘addcannedresponse’, ‘slug for add canned response page’, 1),
    (38, ‘agent-canned-responses’, ‘agent-canned-responses’, ‘agentcannedresponses’, ‘slug for agent canned responses page’, 1),
    (39, ‘gdpr-data-compliance-actions’, ‘gdpr-data-compliance-actions’, ‘adderasedatarequest’, ‘slug for gdpr data compliance actions page’, 1),
    (40, ‘print-ticket’, ‘print-ticket’, ‘printticket’, ‘slug for print ticket page’, 1),
    (41, ‘my-profile’, ‘my-profile’, ‘myprofile’, ‘slug for my profile page’, 1),
    (42, ‘login’, ‘login’, ‘login’, ‘slug for login page’, 1),
    (43, ‘userregister’, ‘userregister’, ‘userregister’, ‘slug for user register page’, 1),
    (45, ‘add-message’, ‘add-message’, ‘formmessage’, ‘slug for add message page’, 1),
    (46, ‘message’, ‘message’, ‘message’, ‘slug for message detail page’, 1),
    (47, ‘message-inbox’, ‘message-inbox’, ‘inbox’, ‘slug for message inbox page’, 1),
    (49, ‘message-outbox’, ‘message-outbox’, ‘outbox’, ‘slug for message outbox page’, 1),
    (50, ‘roles’, ‘roles’, ‘roles’, ‘slug for roles page’, 1),
    (51, ‘staffs’, ‘staffs’, ‘staffs’, ‘slug for agent page’, 1),
    (52, ‘departments’, ‘departments’, ‘departments’, ‘slug for departments page’, 1),
    (53, ‘announcements’, ‘announcements’, ‘announcements’, ‘slug for announcements page’, 1),
    (54, ‘downloads’, ‘downloads’, ‘downloads’, ‘slug for downloads page’, 1),
    (55, ‘faqs’, ‘faqs’, ‘faqs’, ‘slug for faqs page’, 1);`

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by JoomSky.
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