Hi @aboode114,
Before responding to you here, I did a quick check with some websites that verify whether our website is a spamming website, as well as it being a safe website to use. I found nothing to indicate that any of the services identify us as spammers or unsafe to use. Please feel free to check for yourself.
It is not uncommon that on first email from a website that the junk filters may place the registration email in a junk folder. That is why many times users will be advised to check their junk folders if they don’t see the email from registration. We will consider adding this warning to our site. If you add the email address to your contacts, that usually takes care of the junk mail issue. This is is not a problem we can solve for you.
I see that you did register on the site. I see that you verified your account. And I will share with you that once you logged into the site, and went to My Account, clicked on Profile, you would have the option to change the password.
The initial password is going to be random. That’s what WordPress does when it sends out a password. We do advise that after you receive your password that you change it. The changes you requested in this thread have been implemented.
Our site functions pretty much as any other WordPress site does. Sorry you are having such difficulties.
We have provided the changes you requested originally. This topic has been marked as resolved.
If you have any further requests, please use your account on the support site. We will be happy to work with you there.