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  • Plugin Author Bob


    Sorry, the result is called by ajax and you can’t define javascript function in ajax called page. Your javascript function should be defined in advance.

    Thread Starter Newzic


    I understand.

    The script for shadowbox is

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

    Is it possible to put this script somewhere in your php page? (show_exam.php, exam_form.php… where?)

    Plugin Author Bob


    You can try put it as part of the HTML code in the Final screen (maybe through a plugin that lets you run a script.) Still no guarantee it will work. Alternatively you can just use <a href target=_blank instead of a lightbox

    Thread Starter Newzic


    that don’t work everywhere I try to put the shadowbox code.

    I upload the original script of shadowbox in the www folder of this website. And I put the code
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”shadowbox.js></script> just before the first picture in the first question. And I put “rel=”shadowbox” manually for this first picture.
    In the sourcecode of the result page, all is good. But shadowbox don’t work. But that work if I make a static page (html) of this result page!

    Yes, with _blank. Or breaking the link. That is the final solution.


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