• Hello! There ist a bug in the function “pfund_handle_content” in functions.php. You forgot to use the internal WP function “wpautop”. The problem is, that paragraphs won’t display correct.

    Here is working code I have testet successfuly:

    function pfund_handle_content( $content ) {
    	global $post, $pfund_update_message;
    	if( $post->ID == null || ! pfund_is_pfund_post() ) {
    		return $content;
    	} else if ( $post->post_type == 'pfund_campaign' ) {
    		$causeid = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_pfund_cause_id', true ) ;
    		$cause = get_post( $causeid );
    		return wpautop($cause->post_content).$pfund_update_message;
    	} else if ( $post->post_type == 'pfund_cause' ) {
    		return wpautop($post->post_content).$pfund_update_message;

    Would be nice, if you could put that into your next update.


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