• Hello,
    I have read the support pages and implement fixes for 4 hours.

    I have installed wordpress on a DEVsubdomain.mysite.com all worked fine. When we finished implemented the new design export everything on live.
    The live site is acctualy on a subdomain just like dev.
    I have 2 CF7 formulars implemented in site. One works, one doesn’t!

    The mail settings for the form who work is:
    FROM: [your-email] <[email protected]> – if I duplicate the same settings, error: This email address does not belong to the same domain as the site (it works on another form!)

    – I duplicate inside fields,
    – create a new form,
    – dezactivated wp Cache,
    – duplicate the form who works: NO RESULTS.
    – Modify: wp_mail() in mail().
    – install WP-Mail-SMTP
    >> nothing works.

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