• Hi, there is an issue when you display the opening hours in brief /short format. They are displayed in the order they are entered in the settings in stead of the order of the days.

    So when a business is open from Wednesday through Sunday, then also opens on Tuesday and then on Monday, it displays in that order in stead of Mo, Tu, We-Su. This is the case for the old and new widget as well as for the shortcode. Example on the linked page and these screenshots.

    Can that be fixed please?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support jaysupport


    Hi JP,

    The brief format does not combine rules, which is why you’re seeing it that way. It displays each scheduling rule you create separately. That being said, we can definitely look into adding an option to make it display in one combined entry.

    Mmm I see the challenge now. Combining would be the best, but if that’s a big challenge, then it would already make a little more sense if the separate lines are ordered by the first day of each entry.


    Plugin Support jaysupport


    It’s actually all on one line. I’ve attached a screenshot for reference. It’s just wrapping because of the small area you’ve put it in.

    • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by jaysupport.

    I understood it’s published as a single line. I was referring to the seperate lines you create in the settings. They should be sorted before compiling it into the single line.

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