• After upgrading to thepage cache with disk enhanced mode stops to work. Also with developer version.

    <!-- Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. Learn more: https://www.w3-edge.com/wordpress-plugins/
    Minified using disk: basic
    Served from: x.com @ 2011-09-02 06:21:50 -->
    <!-- W3 Total Cache: Page cache debug info:
    Engine:             disk: enhanced
    Cache key:          mozilla-firefox-6-0-1-final-28422.html/_index.html_gzip
    Caching:            enabled
    Status:             not cached
    Creation Time:      0.958s
    Header info:
    X-Pingback:         https://x.com/xmlrpc.php
    Content-Type:       text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Link:               <https://x.com/?p=28422>; rel=shortlink
    Last-Modified:      Fri, 02 Sep 2011 06:21:50 GMT
    Vary:               Accept-Encoding, Cookie
    Expires:            Tue, 06 Sep 2011 10:21:50 GMT
    Pragma:             public
    Cache-Control:      public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate
    Etag:               2e497b7dfa045eebf0f3020fcf94c1b7
    X-Powered-By:       W3 Total Cache/
    Content-Encoding:   gzip

    I can see the file “mozilla-firefox-6-0-1-final-28422.html/_index.html” but not the gzipped one “mozilla-firefox-6-0-1-final-28422.html/_index.html_gzip” in my pgcache folder.

    So I have tryed to disable Browser Cache compressione (Enable HTTP (gzip) compression).
    Here is the result:

    <!-- Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. Learn more: https://www.w3-edge.com/wordpress-plugins/
    Minified using disk: basic
    Served from: x.com @ 2011-09-02 06:21:50 -->

    As you can see, the debug info about page cache aren’t there. It is like Page Cache is disabled at all.

    The only thing I can do is to enable the Page Cache with Disk Basic mode.

    Try yourself.

    Please, help. I need the Disk Enhanced!!

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  • Could you disable the Debug flag?

    well…yea- it’s always disabled when I’m not checking it. What’s your point?

    Cached pages with no debug generate a message like this:

    Well, yea- so are you suggesting that just because I see “Page Caching using disk: enhanced” that the page is cached? I don’t think so….

    @robnalexpress your attitude is hard to explain.
    You are free to ignore my or other user posts if you feel they are useless.

    My point is described above:
    It looks like W3TC caches the request you queried, but it serves you the version with the debugging details.

    @stas Suscov- Sorry- no ‘attitude’ was intended- just trying to understand your point. So you’re saying it looks like W3TC is NOT serving cached pages?

    I have been facing the same problem as @galerio. When I enable the browser compression, the compressed files are not generated. After disabling the compression, debug info doesn’t show up. But I am sure that the caching works without compression as I manually modified cached files in pgcache and the changes were reflected when I opened modified files in browser.

    Could anybody please suggest how to make the compression work?

    Thread Starter Galerio


    Do this test:
    disable all debug.
    Enable the compression.
    Browse some page.
    Look for that page in cache folder.
    If the gzipped page exists, download it, uncrompress it, modify it and re-gzip it.
    Or simply add some dynamic function to a page, for example this one to count in how many seconds the page is loaded:
    <?php timer_stop(1); ?>
    Put it in the footer. If the page will load always with the same number of seconds, then it is a page from the cache.

    What I understood is that when you enable page debug, the disc enanched cache stops to work.

    Now that I have disabled all debugs I’m living happy.

    Yes debug also had me fooled it was not working

    I also had a problem with “Disk: Enhanced” page cache: only my home page was cached. I also had the following error message at the top of W3TC settings page: “It appears Page cache URL rewriting is not working”.

    In my case the solution has been to fix my main .htaccess file in order for W3TC rules to be before WordPress rules.

    By the way, I noticed that using the page cache debug mode invalidates the cached pages when downloaded from my browser, but not when downloaded with wget.

    How is this issue marked [resolved] ??

    This is still happening on fresh installs.

    It appears Page Cache URL rewriting is not working. If using apache, verify that the server configuration allows .htaccess or if using nginx verify all configuration files are included in the configuration.

    Fresh install on WP 3.4.1

    Thread Starter Galerio


    @itshouldjustwork it appears you have a different issue related to your htaccess rewrite rules, so it is OT and you should open a new thread.

    It appears Page Cache URL rewriting is not working. If using apache, verify that the server configuration allows .htaccess or if using nginx verify all configuration files are included in the configuration.

    Fresh install; happening here too

    Thread Starter Galerio


    @phirefly you are OT, here we are discussing about page caching when debug mode is enabled, not about the URL Rewriting rules.
    Open a new thread because you’ll nevere receive answer here.

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    The status:not cached was a false positive so its been removed for Disc Enhanced debug output. Disc Enhanced generates gzipped files properly. The thread is already addressed since @galerio figured out that he could not use debug with disc enhanced. @jainsandeep11 could have server without gzip support.

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