/buddypress-xprofile-custom-fields-type/classes/Bxcft_Field_Type_Birthdate.php o
When i deactive Buddypress Components such s livenotification, private message or others than click to save, i get below error. Than i go to my cpanel change your pluging name, refresh buddycomponent page and acivated all again buddycomponents, and rename old your plugging and my site work again… At the moment i did not add any field. Just testing all my pluging before open my site….
What can be the problem?Fatal error: Class ‘BP_XProfile_Field_Type’ not found in /home/…/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-xprofile-custom-fields-type/classes/Bxcft_Field_Type_Birthdate.php on line 8
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