Hi @itsabhist
The problem is that those name fields are just custom fields that don’t have any relationship to the first name, last name, and nickname that WordPress uses.
There are ways to store data for those custom fields, but the problem is that those fields can be anything. So a field that you use as Last name, could be a phone number field on the website of somebody else. If we would try to store the name into those custom fields, then we could end up storing the data into the wrong field and that’s why we don’t have such integration.
If you would like to fill up those fields with data, then you should insert a record into the <wp-preffix>bp_xprofile_data database table of BuddyPress with the corresponding field ID. To find out the way you could do that, I would suggest you to get in touch with the Developers of BuddyPress, or if you have some developer knowledge, then you could inspect their codes.
Once you managed to find the way you can insert records into that table, you should hooke a function to our “nsl_register_new_user” action, and in that action you should store the first name and last name of the registered user to the database table of BuddyPress.
In our developer documentation you can learn more information about the “nsl_register_new_user” action and their parameters:
Best regards,