I wanted to move “Who’s Online” and the last “X Number of Members” up to the buddybar. These are widgets that are usually in the sidebar.
I also wanted to move/put the html link to the full stream – the “Activity” page – up to the buddybar, but it seems that I can’t just add an html link to the buddybar? It has to be a function? I want the “Activity” stream to be visible by the public, everything else only visible to those who are logged in.
Even when people are logged in there is no link in the buddybar to the stream that includes all users – the one found on the “Activity” page.
I’m not linking to the other pages (Blogs, Members, Register, Activate, Forums, Groups).
What started this whole thing was the sidebar widgets – making the sidebar too long pushed down the activity stream … hard to describe but if you are not logged in you can see it here: https://www.artist-at-large.com/activity I also wanted to move these widgets up to the buddybar because I wanted navigation for the community to be all together in one place – I like the buddybar nav much better than the sidebar nav.
And I’m only using the sidebar as it is now as a spacer because without it the activity stream is too wide and difficult to read.
Because it was taking so long to figure this out, I decided to try and figure out other workarounds that flow with the site’s UI. So, while I would still like to know how to do the above, I’m also trying to figure out a workaround – or to fix the spacing issue in the within the activity stream. If I could fix the spacing issue (which just might be a missing div tag, but I can’t find it) then I could use the widgets in the sidebar … gah.