• Resolved David S


    Hello. I’m using the latest version of BuddyPress and wanted to ask if this plugin is supposed to operate within BuddyPress. I noticed the shortcode for the Thank You Payment page shows but does not seem to serve a purpose and it doesn’t show when logged in as a Contributor or Subscriber. The page appears but not the shortcode. Could this plugin work with BuddyPress? Has anyone used it successfully within BuddyPress as it is now or is there a Premium, paid version for BuddyPress with support to cover some of the apparent glitches in the version I’m testing out now?

    I’d like to be able to use this with BuddyPress, using solely PayPal, but so far it appears too wonky with the shortcodes appearing on pages that seem to serve no function and then not appearing for other test users with no shortcode at all – and the shortcode serving no purpose.

    Can you please shed light on the shortcode issue and any BuddyPress compatibility?


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  • Hi David,

    Sorry you ran into issues here.

    First, BuddyPress integration is fully supported with our premium module here: https://awpcp.com/premium-modules/buddypress-module

    Out of the box, AWPCP should work with BP, but has no special integration until you use the module above.

    As for the shortcode issue, it could be a page visibility issue. Please walk through the steps here to make sure ALL AWPCP pages are public and published–that’s usually the sort of thing that causes this: https://awpcp.com/forum/faq/i-get-404-errors-when-i-click-on-awpcp-pages-or-ads/

    If that doesn’t do it, report back and we’ll dig deeper.

    Thread Starter David S


    Hi. I have the plugin up and running on forum.suddenimpactwebdesign.com

    I haven’t yet tried to place an ad on the site, but what I don’t understand is why the “Thank you for your order” page is (I’m guessing) meant to be publicly visible. Shouldn’t it only be visible to someone who placed an order?

    Also my other question is what is the short code on that page for? It does not seem to serve any purpose or do anything.

    Can you please help with those two questions?

    Hi David,

    The Thank you for Your Order needs to public and published for AWPCP to work properly. That doesn’t mean it needs to be visible on your menus (which I think you might mean above–some themes auto-add items to your menus, or your settings might already do that for certain menus). You’ll just want to exclude that page from the menus/display, but don’t hide the page, otherwise it won’t be accessible when you make an actual sale.

    The short code on that page will display information about the ad after the payment is complete. To see the full role of it, I would suggest placing a test ad using a test payment gateway configuration so you see the entire workflow from end to end as a user.

    Thread Starter David S


    Your plugins rock, I have to give it to you! I’m removing that page from the obvious menu as you suggested (don’t know why I didn’t think of that, I think I just wanted to check to better understand what was going on).

    I’ll go ahead and try post a test ad to see if it works properly, and if it does, then I know it’s ready to use on my “real” BuddyPress site that’ll be more expansive. Thanks for all your help thus far!

    You’re welcome.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or issues!

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