Buddypress activity support
Hi, congratulations for the plugin!
I’d like to share with you some changes I made in order to support notifications for buddypress activity.
Maybe you are interested in including this feature in future releases.
includes/class-telefication.php (LINE 385+):
if ( isset( $this->options['new_user_notification'] ) ) { $new_user_notification_checked = checked( 1, $this->options['new_user_notification'], false ); } /* ETATUS CHANGES >>>>> */ if ( isset( $this->options['bp_activity_notification'] ) ) { $bp_activity_notification_checked = checked( 1, $this->options['bp_activity_notification'], false ); } /* <<<<< ETATUS CHANGES */ /* * Notify for emails */
includes/class-telefication.php (LINE 490+):
/* ETATUS CHANGES >>>>> */ // Notify for buddypress activity error_log("if( bp_is_active( 'activity' ): ". bp_is_active( 'activity' )); if( ! bp_is_active( 'activity' ) ) { $buddypress_is_active = '<p>' . __( ' Buddypress is not active!', 'telification' ) . '</p>'; } printf( '<input class="%s" type="checkbox" id="bp_activity_notification" name="telefication[bp_activity_notification]" value="1" %s/>' . '<label class="%s" for="bp_activity_notification"><b>' . __( 'Buddypress activity:', 'telefication' ) . '</b> ' . __( 'Enable this to get notified for buddypress activity', 'telefication' ) . '</label><br> ', isset( $buddypress_is_active ) ? 'disable' : '', isset( $bp_activity_notification_checked ) ? $bp_activity_notification_checked : '', isset( $buddypress_is_active ) ? 'disable' : '' ); /* <<<<< ETATUS CHANGES */ } // Own Bot Setting Page
admin/class-telefication-admin.php (LINE 182+):
// New user action if ( isset( $this->options['new_user_notification'] ) && '1' == $this->options['new_user_notification'] ) { $this->loader->add_action( 'user_register', $this, 'telefication_action_user_register', 10 ); } /* ETATUS CHANGES >>>>> */ // Notify for Buddypress activity - Filter if ( isset( $this->options['bp_activity_notification'] ) && '1' == $this->options['bp_activity_notification'] ) { $this->loader->add_filter( 'bp_activity_add', $this, 'telefication_bp_activity_admin_notify', 10, 3 ); } /* <<<<< ETATUS CHANGES */ } /* ETATUS CHANGES >>>>> */ function telefication_bp_activity_admin_notify( $activity_array, $activity_id ) { $message = $activity_array['action']; $telefication_service = new Telefication_Service( $this->options ); if ( $telefication_service->create_url( $message ) ) { $telefication_service->send_notification(); } } /* <<<<< ETATUS CHANGES */
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