Thanks a lot for responding. I also contacted plugin support yesterday and they answered that they don’t have anything for BuddyPress and sent me this link for an addon, which, unfortunately also doesn’t work as it doesn’t even show up as a menu item in admin menu after installing: https://simple-membership-plugin.com/full-page-protection-addon-simple-membership/
Problems I have are: For once, I, as admin get kicked out of protected (non BuddyPress) pages myself, even though I have ticked my role as being elgible to view the content:
That’s one point. And the other is: Protection doesn’t work on BuddyPress pages. Basically it ‘overprotects’ non-BuddyPress pages, so even admin cannot access but lacks any BuddyPress page protection… Like I have a seperate page for groups. As I set it up, users cannot access groups directly from their profile, but as a premium feature, they can access groups through the header menu. But when one clicks on the ‘Groups’ menu item as a non-Premium member, one can view the content, even though I ticked only Premium/Admin in backend. Membership protection just doesn’t grab these BuddyPress related things. I am really dissapointed :-/// I searched a long time and most membership plugins are just too expensive as they don’t even cover everything I need to have protected like display notifications bell in BuddyPress menu only should be visible to premium. So I still have to pay, on top of a membership plugin, a programer who does the other stuff. I would love to find a membership plugin which really ‘membership protects everything’ ?? With the simple membership plugin I felt I could at least cover the basic page protection for free, which in my case are only 5 pages anyway. But: not working :-/ Unless you can do some magic I have to search all over again.
Thanks and regards!