• hello
    if i type:
    www. mydomain.com/blogs/index.php
    i get my home page pop up (expected)

    if i type:
    www. mydomain.com/blogs/anyfolderIdonthave
    i get blank browser ‘nopage’ pop up (expected)

    if i type:
    www. mydomain.com/blogs/index.php/anyfolderIdonthave
    the unexpected occurs:

    I expect to get browser ‘nopage’ pop up BUT I DONT…
    I GET:
    my home, about, and contact page all appearing (trying to appear) on the same browser page…. it looks a muddle.

    … i wondering why it shows at all (with any made up folder name)
    … what could i do?

    thanks for any thoughts/ knowledge on this


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  • I’d check your theme’s 404 page first, then perhaps .htaccess and permalink settings.

    If you post details about how your theme’s 404 page is structured, or what your permalink configuration is we may be able to give more direction.

    Thread Starter stephenn


    thanks for pointers…. went through the areas to explore any curiousities and found the ressolve when i got to the permalinks… appreciate your reply…. and have popped few details of all three areas, in case helps someone else in future:

    found themes 404 page….. it reads as standard….. and it works as standard… my blog remains in good shape, and the page area that carried any missing content, just says the error …etc bit.

    heres the page code:

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    	<div id="content">
    <div id="entry">
    		<h2">Error 404 - Not Found</h2>
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    .htaccess in cgibin says this (dont know what it represents)

    <Limit GET POST>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    allow from all
    <Limit PUT DELETE>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all

    permalink settings are custom (were!!!):

    I’ve changed it back to the default to get rid of including index.php in link (as was in prob first mentioned):

    removing the index.php has ressolved the issue…. now if i type a folder that doesnot exist… i just get the normal browser blank… this is what i wished instead of getting real pages from non existing folders!

    Thank you again for the pointers to the areas worthy to investigate.
    perm link was the cause and is now ressolved


    Thread Starter stephenn


    eeeer! Me Again!
    I’ve learned a lot….. I have also just replaced the original permalink configuration back to this:

    I,ve done this because all the links in google list this format… and this format provides descriptive words… the default just allocates a page number (boring)!
    But my original problem now exists again:

    Having explored error page, .htaccess, and permalinks, I have returned to my prob and found the point of error:
    being: category link: (not considered before)

    www. mydomain.com/blogs/index.php/category/anyfolderIdonthave
    this shows error 404 within neat blog (as wished)

    www. mydomain.com/blogs/index.php/anyfolderIdonthave
    this shows messed up blogpage made up of home, about, contact pages!

    i want it to continue to show error page here as well…
    … can i change the permalink slightly?
    … do i edit index or category file?

    appreciate intricacies of this little glitch (in my knowledge!)

    Do you have a custom Category Base?
    Settings > Permalinks > Optional > Category base

    Thread Starter stephenn


    no custom base. it is blank, therefore whatever the default is.

    .htaccess in cgibin says this …..

    Should not the .htaccess file be in your blog folder (instead of the cgibin) or in your root when you call your site from the root?

    And the content you show there for .htaccess is not a WP generated one.

    Thread Starter stephenn


    thanks for thought on .htaccess… I’ve come across (on this little excercise) about having the file IN the same folder as the blog and that the one I found is not…
    The note you made about ”is not a WP generated one” is usefull, thanks…

    I’ll be ressolving this as well… somehow.

    With all that I have learned, in this little excercise, I have decided that several things would benefit my blog for the future (only have 9 posts on it at momment….

    I’m going to first upgrade my blog to latest.

    I’m going to change folder from ‘blog’ to ‘myblog’ as will read more usefully in google when set correctly.

    I’m going to set permlinks (still to decide best format, but am learning) to read most suitable in google.

    I’m going to make sure .htaccess is IN same folder as myblog and in it will put 303 error to redirect my old to new permalinks.

    Then I’m going down the pub!

    ….this may take some time, but am ever pleased with WP for having this potential (shame my knowledge didnt to start!!), and the support/info is around to hand. thanks again.
    See soon (ish).

    He Stephenn, living is learning; your welcome.

    Thread Starter stephenn


    Back from pub…

    I completed all mentioned in my last post…
    … the support found in the links mentioned was clear and sufficient to accomplish the task (thanks for these support items as well as the blog software)

    Upgrade.. flowed well, following info given.
    Change of folder.. logical to do (more useful in search engine results)
    Permalinks.. (still a few things I’m learning) but work well.
    Redirect old links.. I mentioned in last post it was 303 but it is 301 (just pop this bit in case someone is using this post for their own help at a later date).

    My site works (well worth upgrading) and the little quirky bit (start of this thread) is resolved as well.

    Thanks again for your help/pointers/comments

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