To do this at the moment, you will have to modify a PHP file within the plugin code.
Look for the following code within the /wp-content/plugins/slide-anything/php/slide-anything-frontend.php file:
$output .= ” responsive:{\n”;
$output .= ” 0:{ items:”.esc_attr($slide_data[‘items_width1’]).” },\n”;
$output .= ” 480:{ items:”.esc_attr($slide_data[‘items_width2’]).” },\n”;
$output .= ” 768:{ items:”.esc_attr($slide_data[‘items_width3’]).” },\n”;
$output .= ” 980:{ items:”.esc_attr($slide_data[‘items_width4’]).” },\n”;
$output .= ” 1200:{ items:”.esc_attr($slide_data[‘items_width5’]).” },\n”;
$output .= ” 1400:{ items:”.esc_attr($slide_data[‘items_width6’]).” }\n”;
$output .= ” },\n”;
To set X-Large to 1600, change this line:
$output .= ” 1400:{ items:”.esc_attr($slide_data[‘items_width6’]).” }\n”;
$output .= ” 1600:{ items:”.esc_attr($slide_data[‘items_width6’]).” }\n”;
There is no plugin setting yet to change the default values pf these settings – something I will have to add in at some point in the future.