• Hi there!

    CommentLuv appears to be loading the CSS and JS files over HTTP regardless of scheme used to load the site – so when we switched the site URL to https, the browser throws a “site insecure” error and blocks loading of the CommentLuv CSS and JS files since they are only HTTP.

    Is there a fix coming to support SSL sites, or a quick workaround for this?

    Also are there other SSL incompatibilities? I just happened to see these 2 http files because they were causing the site to show and SSL browser error.

    Here are the 2 lines of code from commentluv.php:
    /** init
    * This function registers styles and scripts
    function init(){
    wp_register_style( ‘commentluv_style’,$this->plugin_url.’css/commentluv.css’ , $this->version);
    wp_register_script( ‘commentluv_script’, $this->plugin_url.’js/commentluv.js’,array(‘jquery’),$this->version );


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