Broken upgrade: “0 Comments” and user rights issues
My upgrade to WordPress 2.0 was not a success. Fortunately I always work on a back-up ?? I’ve searched the forums but not seen my issues (at least not in the way I’ve had them).
Issue 1: all my stories now say “0 Comments” on the main page, irrespective of how many comments there are. If you go into the story, the comments are there, so it’s just a counting issue.
Issue 2 (and this is quite a big one): the user permissioning system doesn’t seem to be working. When I try and use the admin pages, I get to the main screen, but when I try and – say – change the profile, then I get a “You do not have sufficient privileges to access this page.” screen. Similarly, if I try and post. Playing with the source code (to find the issue, not break the system) by making user_can_access_admin return 1, I discovered that somewhere the current_user_can function is not returning anything useful. I have looked through the database, and the user_level for admin is set to 10 (so that isn’t the issue). What else could be causing the problem?
Many thanks,
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