• Resolved maddiemcwa


    My website is https://www.bearfootcreative.net

    I am using the sliding door theme. I can’t get to anyplace to tell me the version of wp – it’s fairly new.

    I was attempting to have the blog posts show up on a page other than the front page by:

    1. In Settings>>Reading

    Telling it to use the front page as a static page – I think this gave me an error message and I reset it.

    2. Putting the blog page address in as the wordpress address under general settings. I think this is probably what did it.

    Now, I have no theme and I get an error message:

    We can’t seem to find what you’re looking for!

    The link you just followed was broken. Head back home.”

    It is the same whether I put in the url for my website or for my dashboard. I get links to my pages and my page content but can find no way to get to the dashboard to fix it.

    I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

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  • Hi, I took a quick look. It’s hard to say without seeing everything, but I’m nearly certain that you just need to fix that URL you mentioned above. There are 2 places that this URL is needed, just about next to each other in admin. My psychic powers tell me that you have


    … when you should have…

    But it’s possible that you can’t even get to the admin – getting those URL settings wrong may have prevented that. If so, you can try the following, or if it’s too daunting, you’ll need to get a geek to investigate.


    Good luck. Dave

    Thread Starter maddiemcwa


    Thank you so much, Dave!

    After reading the link you sent (and much mucking around), I was able to change the link in phpMyAdmin of my database in cpanel.

    I really appreciate your taking the time to help.


    You go, Madeline! Yes, PHPAdmin can fix a multitude of evils.

    Well done, and glad to have helped!

    PS: those sliders are cute.

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