It’s not my intention to be snarky here….however, this is a FREE Plugin and development time needs to go to the masses. I.E out of all the THEMES this plugin is installed on, the only ones it has issues with are those that use a Theme Wrapper like the Page Builders…. Currently that’s 2 classes of themes.
My experience with custom themes like this is limited. I am open to anyone who wants to share their knowledge and assist in putting together a patch and or update to include these types of themes for Job Manager.
Regardless of when it was built it’s reasonable for a plugin like that to have some way to hook into how it builds pages, it is 2015 after all.
– – That’s a SNARKY comment !
In the REAL WORLD….we could all develop great plugins with ease. I took over the development of this plugin because I use it and I had observed that many others were frustrated with no updates….It had effectively become abandoned…as many FREE plugins do..because of lack of resources or too many complaints and not enough support. So much that they just give up because it’s too much hassle…. I see great potential with Job Manager.
It’s my desire to move this ahead but it takes time and resources.
So rather than complain…lets get some Commitment to others to Help out and make this better tool for everyone.
If you want to talk one on one email me at [email protected]
Thanks for your understanding.