My own issue is even more serious that than that lenks.
After version 4.1.3 and all wordpress email system on my site is completely broken.
Both the mail coming from various plugins and even the default email send by wordprees are broken, in fact all email system on my site is broken.
What i get in my mail from user now is a bunch of code and what users also get in their mail from my site is also a bunch of code.
Your plugin is temporarily on deactivation to keep my site running.
You can not just sit back there and say you do not have plans to make your plugin compatible with others. I don’t think there is any WordPress website on earth that use only one plugin, there must be the need to work with few other plugin and LEARNPRESS can not be different.
Now that LEARNPRESS has also broken my default worpress mailing system, are you saying you do not also have plan to make your plugin compatible with wordpress CMS.
This is a major bug on your plugin and you have no option than to fix it, i think this is the right thing to do as a respected and popular plugin like LEARNPRESS.
Sorry if i am too hash but i’m really not happy the way you replied lenks when you plugin users passing through stress because of your update.