Broke site due to editing wp-config.php, please help.
I was editing my website, trying to move from wp-cache to wp-super-cache (the plugins) and I’ messed up, I removed the line “define(’WP_CACHE’, true)” I then uploaded the file and my website ( turned into the way it is now. I’ve tried putting the line back in but it does’nt seem to be working.
so I’m turning to you the great support people to ask if you could help me.
My current wp-config.php is as follows:
<?php // ** MySQL settings ** // define('DB_NAME', '[redacted]'); // The name of the database define('DB_USER', '[redacted]'); // Your MySQL username define('DB_PASSWORD', '[redacted]'); // ...and password define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); define('DB_COLLATE', ''); // Change each KEY to a different unique phrase. You won't have to remember the phrases later, // so make them long and complicated. You can visit // to get keys generated for you, or just make something up. Each key should have a different phrase. define('AUTH_KEY', 'f7sXx[2wbB@LBwlxS{A56y>+cCIfn5F[d[nsXz iq\\Ms}?(;_a#ypoR5\'3w<G5>FL~1X'); // Change this to a unique phrase. define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '-\"r642fed3E1d>}MdGFlh@tR!QPU%/!S_6;CjO0}^>6TcCIfn5F[d[ns+ <?)3 U#*X;'); // Change this to a unique phrase. define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'Q^l\"6-pLcCIfn5F[d[ns\zkw>OG<U$%u0:9H:Jl)+d$~jIBTt&CPL[Dp<KY4zL3y'); // Change this to a unique phrase. // You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix $table_prefix = 'wp_'; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please! // Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the // chosen language must be installed to wp-content/languages. // For example, install to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to 'de' // to enable German language support. define ('WPLANG', ''); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php'); ?>
Please help,
Daniel Johnson??
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